Allergy Facts Related to Duct Cleaning

Allergy Facts Related to Duct Cleaning

 Allergies are caused by various sources. There is however, a peculiar cause of household instigated allergy; it is the presence of household dust mite.  Hence, thorough cleaning is essential to eradicate the problem at the source and not develop an irreversible asthma disorder. Medications although useful to some extent are not a long-term or permanent solution. You can always take precautionary methods to avoid the cause in the first place.

Air Duct Cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning

Household And Mites Do Not Make A Good Connection

Can we eliminate house dust mites through proper cleaning methods? The answer is no! Mites are present in all homes, even the best maintained. And yes, the presence and uncontrolled proliferation of mites in your home, represents a risk of health problems. If it is impossible to eradicate them forever, there are simple ways of making them less harmful by controlling their numbers.

What Causes Allergy To Mites?

Allergy to mites is caused by feces, excrement and corpses of these critters! Coughing, itchy tearing in the oral area along with redness are some of the common symptoms. An allergist can do tests to confirm an allergy to dust mites. It is important to identify and eliminate the source of the problem. Long exposure to the trigger, if it is mite in your living environment, can cause a permanent asthma problem.

Fighting Against Allergies To Dust

Bring your vacuum cleaner a hepa filter and pass it often. This is the first way to make life hard for house dust mites. This procedure will not remove them from your furniture but it will eliminate the dead skin particles that serve as food and hence limit their proliferation.

Residential Air Duct Cleaning Melbourne

Residential Air Duct Cleaning Melbourne

The more mites multiply, and the more there is a strong accumulation of their excrement in mattresses, carpets or upholstery and especially the ducts the health problems are likely to materialize. It is necessary to carry out a professional duct cleaning by steam extraction, which allows not only to kill the mites, but also to completely clean the surface, destroying and sucking the allergenic remains left by these critters. Dirty ducts play in important role in spreading dust mites throughout the house.

One cannot get rid of live mites

A living mite is hard to remove from ducts. In fact the beast has suction cups at the ends of its legs and hence can easily spread allergies. Moreover, with the help of steam cleaning, the remains of the critters are easily removable from the surface. This is why it is better to hire a professional duct cleaning company.

Hire A Cleaning Company

If you suffer from allergy at home the number one rule is to be more particular about cleanliness in the household and use a good vacuum cleaner. The number two rule is to hire a duct cleaning company once a year and if you have a ventilation system it needs to be cleaned every 5 years. By cleaning the ducts you instantly win the war against dust mite allergy. In addition, you protect yourself against the dangers associated with household dust at the same time.

Control of Mites And Health

Control of Mites And Health

Control of Mites And Health

With the right methods of cleaning, you will eliminate at the source your problem of dust mite allergy.  We will explain what a mite is, how they are harmful to health and ultimately how to fight against them and prevent health complications. The statistics  provided here are from Health Canada, Wikipedia, and, among others.

According to the World Health Organization, allergies are the fourth-largest chronic disease in the world after cancer, cardiovascular disorders and AIDS .

Dust Mites Facts

Adult size: 260 microns to 360 microns for the male and 360 to 400 microns for the female. Average life 70 days. Dermatophagoides farinae takes 35 days to become an adult. Finally, a female lays up to 80 eggs in her life.

We must first kill the mites.  The mites cling to the textile fibers using small suction cups at the ends of their legs, so they are impossible to get out of there by vacuuming. They are resistant very well adapted to the habitat we provide them. There can be up to 2,000,000 in a single mattress.

44% of respiratory allergies are caused by dust mites and one third of the global adult population is predisposed. People with an allergy to house dust mites who are exposed to it can find themselves in the grip of a severe asthma attack that can lead to death. Babies, the elderly and the imuno-depressed are also at risk.

Duct Cleaning as Regular Maintenance is Essential

Duct Cleaning Before After

Duct Cleaning Before After

Vacuuming regularly, on carpets, furniture and mattresses and maintaining the house will help to starve the mites and thus reduce their numbers and keep it lower between large professional households. You can put drapes and pillows from time to time in the dryer; the heat will kill the mites that are there. Bed mites are more difficult to dislodge, because they feed on dead skin particles and multiply rapidly. Anti-dust mite mattress covers are a good way to help you fight against the return of bed mites as a result of cleaning. All in all, despite personal efforts, Cleaning Experts offers a especially effective cleaning service adapted to dust mite allergies.

Professional Duct Cleaning Services:-

To keep away from allergies and to keep a healthy household environment, duct cleaning is very much essential. While doing it yourself might not be easy, professional duct cleaning services can help substantially. Moreover, professionals have the right equipment and tools to give your ducts a neat and clean look. Ducted Heating Cleaning is one of the leading companies in Australia providing duct cleaning services at an affordable price. We are a certified company with years of experience. Give us a call now on 0340507928 to avail our quality services.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia