Detection of Carbon Monoxide Leakage in The Home

Ever heard about “carbon monoxide testing”, probably you must have. But do you know what carbon monoxide is? And why it needs to be tested? Before detection, you need to understand these basic things first. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a natural gas which is colourless, odourless and poisonous in nature. This gas is notoriously known for causing many health hazards and in many cases, it can lead to death. Now, you know why CO needed to be detected. It may cause brain and lungs damage, by getting replaced with oxygen inside your blood cell. And lack of oxygen become the cause of death. That’s why for the sake of the good health of your loved one’s carbon monoxide testing should never be ignored or delayed.

Detection of Carbon Monoxide Leakage

Detection of Carbon Monoxide Leakage

What Causes The Production of Monoxide Inside Your Home?

There are about endless numbers of sources that cause Carbon Monoxide production inside your home. The major source of CO production is incomplete combustion of LPG, oil, wood, and fuel. Following things are the birthplace of this poisonous gas inside your home.

  • Kerosene heaters
  • Gas ranges and stoves
  • Non-functionals air vents
  • Fireplace
  • Gasoline appliances
  • Wood burning stoves
    Wood Burning Stoves Can Cause Carbon Monoxide

    Wood Burning Stoves Can Cause Carbon Monoxide

  • Cigarette and pipe smoke
  • Generators
  • Uncleaned and Need the Air Ducts in Houses
  • Cloth dryers
  • Grills
  • Hairdryers
  • Leaked furnace systems and chimneys

Signs of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Here are 10 visible signs that tell you about the leakage and Carbon Monoxide in your premise.

  • If you find soot in or around the fireplace, consider this is a sign of CO production in the home.
  • Black or brownish-yellowish stains around the leaking devices.
  • Stale or scorching burning smell across the home.
  • Smoke and fumes from the chimney, gas stove or fireplace in the home.
    Ducted Heater of Carbon Monoxide

    Ducted Heater of Carbon Monoxide

  • Several health issues like flu, nausea, headache, confusion, weariness, dizziness, shortness in breath, tightening of the chest and blurry vision.
  • Yellowish-orange flames in the gas stove instead of on the regular blue flames.
  • Frequent blowing of pilot lights in the home.
  • Heavy condensation on the windows

These are some signs that help you in the detection of CO inside your home. If you observe these symptoms across your home, you need to take the necessary actions for carbon monoxide testing.

Protection Against Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

  • Take The Medical Help

    If you notice the symptoms of carbon monoxide affecting your health the first step is to seek the medical help. Only medical attention can tell you how serious the problem is. A blood test will tell the exposure extent of this gas in your body.

  • Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    Carbon Monoxide Detectors

    The easiest way for carbon monoxide testing inside the home is to install their respective detectors. Besides installing them, make sure you are given the necessary care and attention they need. Make sure to change the battery of the detectors time to time.

  • Keep the Doors and Windows Open

    When you notice the initial symptoms and mild signs of carbon monoxide in the home, get into action immediately and open all the doors and windows. A proper ventilation can help you overcome the severe effects of CO that may occur in the future.

  • Switch off the Source of Carbon Monoxide Production

    As soon as you detect the signs of this silent killer, switch off all its originating appliances. These appliances may include your gas stoves, fireplaces, generators, grills and more. We don’t suggest you go ahead with carbon monoxide testing on your own, as coming across highly concentrated areas can leave severe effects on your health.

    Carbon Monoxide Testing

    Carbon Monoxide Testing

Seek The Professionals Help

Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a serious issue that you need to fix as soon as you detect it. But for any kind prevention and cure, you need to notice its presence inside your home. The best and safest way for carbon monoxide testing is to call the professionals. We at Best Ducted Heating Cleaning have all the tools to detect the extent and exposure of CO in your home. Uncleaned air ducts can also cause the production of this poisonous gas. Besides testing, our professionals can help you clean the ducts and offer you a safer environment in your home.

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia